Lakes Region Historical Society


Museums & Galleries

About Us

The Meeting House is the oldest standing building in Antioch. It was built during the Civil War in 1863 by the members of the Disciples of Christ church. These parishioners were some of Antioch's earliest residents and are responsible for naming the town. In 1915, the St. Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal church bought the property and remained until 1999. Now renamed THE MEETING HOUSE and completely restored to its 1863 appearance, the building is used by the Historical Society for their meetings, but can also be used by individuals, families or groups to host private events and parties. It includes a small museum dedicated to Antioch's Military History, an historic flag display and changing local displays as well as an early Studebaker buggy and Sleigh which ran on the streets of Antioch! Private tours are available by calling the number above.


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